PCR Test: Positive

Assalamualaikum, Hi and good morning ladies and gentleman,

Today is Monday, August 9th, a new week, fresh start with a good weather. Don't forget to be grateful by reciting Alhamdulillah as much as you gossiping about others. With the current pandemic and as we achieve almost 20k Covid-19 cases per day, I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to be responsible. Yes, BE RESPONSIBLE

As per words which in upper letter and bold, it is because many of us are not discipline in following all the SOPs given especially when you are supposed to quarantine due to positive of Covid-19 nor being a close contact to someone who is positive of Covid-19. Stop blaming each other and start from our own self. At least, we can protect ourselves and our family also people around us. Dude, come on.. 

Based on my case, my housemate got positive after return from PPV. Almost half of others in my house also are positive because of it. On the day, she informed she was sorry as she got positive for the PCR result was my vaccination day. I'm very upset to be honest as I can't wait for my second dose but I cannot go lah because what if the virus tercalit pada pipi I? I akan risiko kan thousands of life there in PPV. So, dengan rasa sedih dan kecewa, I cancel my vaccination appointment and will walk-in to PPV after all my housemates are recover from the virus. kau faham tak? kau sekolah tak? (gurau gurau)

Kami ni bukan setakat dekat luar kena pakai face mask, even dalam rumah pun kena pakai mask tau. K done bebel waktu lunch hour ni. Happy working homans!


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