Assistant Branch Manager, 99 Speedmart


So, today I would like to throw myself back to October, 2019 (Phew! how fast time flies..) when I was an Assistant Branch Manager at 99 Speedmart Sdn Bhd. 

At that time, I just ended my contract with PPD Muar as a Substitute Teacher in SKC where I'm quiet sad as my contract actually is a three months contract based but it ended at the first month since there something about not enough budget (that's what I'd being told) so all substitute teacher in Johor for primary school being terminated (not only me okay!😆 so don't you ever dare think I'm the only one that had been terminated). But Alhamdulillah what a sweet and big experienced I had! Being a TEACHER? I never ever think I CAN BE A TEACHER TOO! LOL.

Okay, get back to our topic. So, I got LO in a middle of September. At first, I just ignored it since I had contract with KGSK and my parents does not allowed me to. Then, suddenly I'd being informed the contract will be terminated at the end of September so I terus call 99 Speedmart straight away to accept the offer and they said you can come to 99 Speedmart Warehouse Yong Peng on 14th October (YEAY!) for the first class session.

For those yang nak tahu interview dia susah or not. Lemme tell ya! Semua interview susah for me la kan but what the most important things is TO BE CONFIDENTDuring my time, interview dalam BM and there are more than 20 people waiting for their turn and of course I'm nervous! They not calling names, so when you are ready you can come inside and lets the battle begin! So lemme give you antara soalan-soalan yang I dapat during my time (I forgot a lot since it was last year but I'll try to refresh):

1. Introduce yourselves. (cliché!)
2. Tell me about your family.
3. Do you have any experiences or capabilities to be a manager?
4. Why do you wanna work with us?
5. Customer always right. If you facing a problems with customer, how would you react? (Dia akan bagi contoh problem then you give them a solution)
6. Are you okay to be placed at any branch? Where do you prefer? (Dude, pilih tempat yang dekat dengan rumah please! I salah pilih kot lepastu dia campak I dekat JB. Dang..)

Then after you pass the interview, you will have two weeks of training. I got branch at Nusajaya, JB and then two days class at Sungai Besi and Jalan Kebun. Actually salah satu tempat je yang you kena pergi for the class session but during my time, my friends and I kena pergi dua tempat. Its kind a adventure juga lah, so happy because we managed to create so much memory together. Even pergi ke Selangor pun sama sama. Lepas you pass all the trainings and classes, you need to wait for a week to get placement and BOOM! you are ABM~ CONGRATS!

Kelas dia quiet challenging because you need to put 100% focus during the class since there will be sesi soal jawab at the end of each class. So you all kena berdiri and berebut untuk jawab soalan-soalan yang dia bagi. Why I cakap you kena berebut? sebab 5 ke 10 orang terakhir, nama akan dicatit and I don't know what for. But its sounds scary right? so kalau taknak terasa bodoh PAY ATTENTION.

Then, masa training at Nusajaya which is Branch Nusa Bayu, you kena always take opportunity untuk mencuba every single process in outlet. JANGAN MAIN LARI LARI YA. Why? Sebab nanti dekat branch sendiri kau kena buat semua benda sendiri. It is normal kena marah dengan trainer and so on, we are learning and its new to us. So chill! Jangan nanti menyusahkan Branch Manager you untuk bagi another session of training pula. Kesian dia, dia dah cukup penat, dah cukup barai nak jaga outlet.

Masa placement tu, kalau you nak branch yang dekat dengan rumah, ringan mulut la bodek trainer you sebab dia yang akan buat placement. Well, kalau you all tanya sama ada I still bekerja as ABM, my answer is NOPE! IM DONE. Kerja ni barai gila for me lah kan but for those yang dapat bertahan tu oh my god I salute! For fresh graduate yang nak cari kerja cepat and untuk dapatkan pengalaman, ABM is a worth one to try. Goodluck!

1. Experience to be a manager.
2. Good training experience with a new awesome friends.
3. Good salary offer.
4. Fast career development.
5. Triple for Public Holiday

1. Work 6 days a week.
2. 3-4 Full Shift per week (7am-12pm)
3. No fuel allowance. (Because you need to go to bank twice a day)
4. No OT.
5. Mess lorry trip. Kalau dapat branch yang guna manual method.. hm wassalam

Okay lah, that's all from me kot. Apa mengumpat pasal 99 Speedmart beriya ni hahaha. Fair enough lah I bagi 5 benefits and 5 disadvantages. Bu-bye!❤

My branch, Jalan Ibrahim, Muar
(Kereta putih tu manager I punya hahaha she is so kind and pretty. Beruntung I dapat branch sebelah bank, manager baik, staff padu. Alhamdulillah!)


  1. Hello saya nak Tanya kalau dah dapat second interview tu confirm dapat kerja ker,Dan lagi satu kalau time yg training tu Ada sesi soal jawap tu kan kan kata kena tunggu seminygu kan kalau Kita x past apa berlaku ye Kita kena buang ker

  2. Hi ! may i know untuk pakaian interview as stated adalah formal, tapi just nak tahu perempuan muslim kena berbaju kurung ke ? Atau kemeja seluar dan kasut bertutup sudah memadai ?

    1. Pakai kemeja and kasut hitam kulit bertutup. ;)

  3. Hi, nk tnya maksud mess lorry trip tu coz btw sya dpt panggilan pergi training next week so nk prepared mental and apa2 yg ptut hahaa for future references. thank you in advance.

    1. Maksudnya lorry trip yang tak teratur contohnya patutnya your branch punya lorry trip will be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday tapi dia datang selain daripada hari tu. Lorry trip sangat memenatkan sebab tu kalau messy lorry trip boleh buat barai 😅


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